How long can you wait?
Not every woman in a skirt is a wife as not every man in a trouser is a husband.
The choices you make in life will determine your tomorrow life, and every choice has a consequence.
In my previous article I talked about 'Waiting' , and i said while waiting ensure you're praying for the right one.
What matters is your happiness and it does not matter whether you are single or married.
Real happiness begins in love. Although
most people will want to disagree with me that's a fact. Love brings a
life long happiness. Let me remind you what love is to support my
statement. Love is patient, love is kind, it doesn't envy, it doesn't
boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is
not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love doesn't delight in
evil but it rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust,
always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails... (1 Corinthians
Through Christ you can find the one.
In the story of the servants of the Lord: Isaac and Rebekah, before
Isaac accepted Rebekah, Abraham had sent his servant to go get a wife
for his son Isaac. The servant was able to know that Rebekah was the right one because
he prayed for God to revile specific things that would make him pick
out the right woman for Isaac and it was so that when the servant
reported back to Isaac, he accepted Rebekah as a wife. This means that
God can direct you to the right one if only you ask for His help (Genesis 24:12-66)
In the book of Mathew 7:7, it says
Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

In relation to this verse, when you want
to find the one, simply ask and God will give. Before you ask, you
should know what you want in details.
Be careful what you ask for, for if you ask for bread you will be give bread not a stone as well as if you ask for fish you will be given fish not a snake.
There is a statistic assumption of black
women which according to me it's a lie. it says: In every two black
women, there are two fates: of being married or being single (for the
rest of your life).
See when God created Adam he gave him
Eve a woman made up of his rib Adam. God had a reason why he didn't give
Adam, Stephen a fellow man. This means that every woman has a man she
was made up from. So i change the statistic assumption to:
In every two black women; there are two fates: Of being married or being celibate (Religiously).My Bishop (Likavo) preached during one Sunday Service that we should be careful of the people we choose as the 'one' to spend the rest of our lives with. He said the people we choose have a great impact in our lives; and they can either be a blessing or a 'nightmare'. He added that it will be prudent for one to marry from the church (men rooted in Christ) but if we choose to marry out of the church (non-believers) we should be prepared to be highly sensitive in spirit (pray till the heavens open).
The road is wide that most people choose to follow in finding the 'one' and it snatches them of their lives (They die in marriage but are still breathing), I call them the walking dead, and narrow is the road that leads to life in marriage. The choice is yours.
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